Boys Hostel

A Second Home Coming
Home to more than 800 students, the residence block at BGS is a magnificient structure adorned with landscaped central courtyards and lush greenery. Infused with calm and serene ambience, each evening students come home here to hot, nutritious meals, comfort and spirtually. No efforts have been spared to provide every conceivable amenitty here. There are two saperate blocks for Boys & Girls. Food served is strictly vegetarian and eggs once in a week.
Hostel Time Table
- 5-00 am Wake Up Call
- 5-00 am 6-00 am Yoga / Jogging / Exercise
- 6-00 am 6-15 am Attendance
- 6-15 am 7-30 am Study hours (Digitech)
- 6-15 am 8-00 am Study hours (State)
- 7-30 am 7-45 am Room Cleaning(Digitech)
- 8-00 am 8-15 am Room Cleaning(State)
- 7-30 am 8-00 am Bathing(digitech)
- 8-00 am 8-30 am Bathing(State)
- 8-00 am 9-00 am Breakfast
- 8-30 am Sending students to school (Digitech)
- 9-00 am Sending students to school (state)
- 12-30 pm 1-30 pm Lunch
- 4-30 pm 4-45 pm Tea & Snacks
- 4-45 pm 5-30 pm Sports & Games
- 5-30 pm 5-45 pm Wash Change Over
- 5-45 pm 6-00 pm Prayer
- 6-00 pm 8-45 pm Tuition, Self Study Under Supervisor
- 9-00 pm 9-30 pm Dinner
- 9-30 pm 10-30 pm Home work
- 10-30 pm Lights Off