About Us

Situated at Agalagurki (Chickballapur) just 20 kms from Bengaluru International Airport, amidst quaint hamlets and country-side ambience, BGS offers a healty mix of academics, spirtual, sporting, cultural and social opportunities that allow students to re-invent and re-evaluate their thinking, supported by multi-displinary academic approach to learning.
Campus of 25 acres of pleasant grounds with a large field and an adventure play area with a grass land and a park covering more than 6 acres, 30 classrooms, Computer Lab, a Science Lab, Social Lab, a music room, a library, an Auditorium with LCD fixed apparatus
A Fresh Approach’ Our vision is to continually use the very latest means and methods of education. The decision made at the time of founding the school was to keep Culture & traditions while moving towards a pragmatic approach. We try to examine every practice, weigh it against prevailing and available options and then use only the very best. This is a continuous approach. Time and time again we inspect our own methods of operation, spend effort researching the best practices worldwide and then decide on the next course of action.
To educate young people in ways that prepare them to be active, free thinking, and socially responsible citizens in a democratic society. Our mission is to develop the intellectual, aesthetic, moral, physical, social and emotional potential of the students. The school atmosphere fosters the allegiance of the students to their cultural heritage, and promotes respect and tolerance between students and teachers. The students are rooted to their culture and are ready to accept any new challenge with a fresh approach towards learning.
THE SUPERLATIVE SYNERGY’ As can be seen in the striking contrast of the motto and vision, the school believes in blending the best of the old and the new. To tap into the unlimited potential of the technologies of tomorrow. To instill some of the values which have been admired through the ages. We at BGS English School, honestly believe that these two guiding principles are the best.. for both students and the faculty. We encourage our staff and students alike to be ‘Rooted in Knowledge’ while always ready to take ‘A Fresh Approach’ in everything they do.
The role of BGS English School is to provide opportunities for social interaction and to teach the skills required for successful interaction with other individuals and within a group or team, where students learn social skills through participation in group activities.
- Pursuit of excellence in Academic Games and Sports, Co-curricular activities and in Human Values.
- Development of Personality instilling Qualities of self-reliance, courage, self-confidence and self-esteem.
- Nurturing physically mentally, spiritually balanced citizen with a deep serve of patriotism.
- Encouraging a desire for lifelong learning.
- Fostering independent thinking thoughtful decision-making, critical analysis, appreciation with intellectual humility to accept difference in opinion.
- Helping the student to discover what it is to live and grow with clarity of thought, with harmony in Nature, with beauty and freedom in the world.
- Inculcating the best of Indian culture and tradition among the pupils.
- Creating responsible, disciplined and secular citizens, who are fully aware of their social, moral and cultural obligations and commitments, with a desire for
- To impart quality education for rural students.
- To create a generation of truly educated and highly refined human beings with right values, scientific temperament and social commitment.
- To prepare our Students to become more competent and committed.
- To develop the competencies of content mastery, curriculum transactions, and communication skills.
- To acquire the Students in using latest technologies in learning in our modernized School subject.
- To create awareness to current education problems and its remedial measures to the Students.
- To create awareness of societal issues, both at the State and National levels.
- To provide opportunities for personality development programs, sport and cultural talents etc.